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I'm a single mom and college student, currently studying for my RN. My goal is to help to circulate knowlege on subjects that I'm passionate about.

America's Waistline

Let’s start with some fun facts: In 1999-2000, 64.5% of Americans were found to be overweight, and 30.5% were obese. Extreme obesity was found in 4.7% These result represent a significant increase from the previous couple years.
So why are we getting fatter? Because everything is getting easier! Modern technology is constantly finding ways for the human race to exert less energy for common tasks. Also, we are in an age that has providing our kids with countless ways to entertain themselves without leaving the couch. There is a new video game hitting the shelf almost every week. Along with computer games and TV in general, kids and adults are spending more and more time entertaining themselves without physically doing more than lifting a controller or remote.
There are many other reasons to blame for the increasing weight of America. Our society is becoming more and more fast-paced; as a result, we seek fast food options to fill the hole. With our busy lives we tend not to stop and think about what we are doing to our bodies when we consume these highly processed, deeply fried, overly preserved meal options.
In order to curb childhood obesity we, as parents, must find alternatives to our children’s favorite unhealthy foods. There’s almost always a healthier choice. The alternatives may not always work for them, but many probably will and it’s worth a shot. For example, I get my son natural chicken nuggets from the local natural food store in my area and he loves them. They are a much healthier choice than McDonald’s chicken nuggets which, pretty much, every kid loves. I’ve swapped out my son’s white sandwich bread for whole wheat bread and he didn’t even notice. These, of course, are just some examples that worked for me.
We, as parents, also need to know when to take away the controller and drag our kids outside (figuratively speaking). Kids love to be outside, but they tend to forget that when they get caught up in a video game. Kids usually don’t know when to quit. It’s our job to enforce a healthy amount of physical activity in their daily lives and to not let the video and computer gaming get out of hand.

Works Cited

Dr. Rich. (2002, Oct. 14). Heart Disease. Retrieved Oct. 20, 2010, from
Food. (2009, June 25). Retrieved Oct. 20, 2010, from Kids Health:
Mary L. Gavin, M. (2009, Feb.). Kids and Exercise. Retrieved Oct. 20, 2010, from Kids Health:
Vincent Iannelli, M. (2008, Dec. 4). Childhood Obesity. Retrieved Oct. 20, 2010, from

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Nutrient Definitions

Calories are a measure of the kilocalories in a food source. Kilocalories are also known as food energy, because they are the nutritional energy that food provides.
Proteins are complex amino acids. They are the building blocks for muscle tissue. Proteins are used to repair, regulate and protect the body. There are eight essential amino acids that the body cannot produce and must be consumed in the food we eat.
Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches and fibers found in fruits, vegetables, grains and milk products. They supply energy to the body in the form of glucose, which is the primary energy source for the brain, central nervous system and red blood cells. Fibers do not supply glucose to the body, but promote laxation and lower the risk of certain diseases, such as coronary heart disease and diabetes.
Fiber helps to lower bad cholesterol (LDL), also known as Low-Density Lipoprotein, in the blood. Fiber also slows the absorption of sugar which is beneficial to diabetics. Fiber can aid in digestion and water retention by making loose stools firmer and relieving constipation.
Fats supply the body with energy and essential fatty acids. Fats are a source of antioxidants and numerous bioactive compounds. Fats are the building blocks of cell membranes an important role in numerous biological functions. But too much fat can lead to excess weight and increased risk of heart disease.
·         Saturated fats generally come from animal products. Saturated fat solidifies at room temperatures. Saturated fat raises cholesterol levels and increases the risk of coronary heart disease.
·         Unsaturated fats allow the body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, and carotenoids.
o   Monounsaturated fats may also raise HDL, or good cholesterol, levels.
o   Polyunsaturated fats may decrease the risk of coronary heart disease, lower blood pressure and protect the heart from arrhythmia.
§  Linoleic acid (omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid) is important for the growth of infants, for membrane health and for healthy blood.
·         Alpha (a)-Linolenic acid (omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid) is involved with neurological development and growth.

Cholesterol helps to build cell membranes, to produce bile acids and to synthesis some hormones.
·         Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are the "bad cholesterol." LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to the tissues that need it. Excess LDL can stick to the walls of the arteries and eventually cause blockages.
·         High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are the "good cholesterol." HDL picks up extra LDL circulating in the blood and transports them back to the liver.

Vitamin A helps to make and maintain healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes. It’s vital to eye help and helps us to see in dim light. Vitamin A is also necessary for proper bone growth, tooth development, and reproduction.

Vitamin C helps to synthesis collagen which is an important a protein that gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. It also helps to maintain capillaries, bones, and teeth, aids in the absorption of iron. Vitamin C also acts as a protective antioxidant preventing the degradation of substances in the body, and as a detoxifier reducing the toxicity of medications and chemicals.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant, that helps protect the body’s immune system. It’s helpful promoting healthy cells, and killing harmful cells in your body. Vitamin E promotes health skin and hair growth and protects skin from ultraviolet rays.
Thiamin is a B vitamin. It helps the body to release energy from carbohydrates. Thiamin plays a vital role in the normal function of the nervous system and the breakdown of whole grains into refined grains.
Riboflavin is a B vitamin that plays a key role in energy metabolism, and for the metabolism of fats, ketone bodies, carbohydrates, and proteins.
Niacin is a B vitamin that helps to prevent pellagra and lower cholesterol.
Folate is a B vitamin that aids in the formation of red blood cells and building genetic material in every cell of the body. It also helps to prevent birth defects.
Vitamin B-6 helps to build proteins and aids in the breakdown of fat for energy.
Vitamin B-12 aids in forming red blood cells, in building genetic material and helps the nervous system function and metabolize protein and fat.
Calcium is a mineral the body uses for building bones and teeth; and it helps to maintaining bone strength. Calcium is also used in muscle contraction, blood clotting, maintenance of cell membranes, regulation of heart rhythm, fluids and ions, such as sodium and potassium.Phosphorus is a mineral that helps the body build strong bones and teeth. It’s also involved in the release of energy from fat, protein, and carbohydrates during metabolism, and in the formation of genetic material, cell membranes, and many enzymes.
Magnesium is a mineral that the body uses to build bones, make proteins, release energy stored in muscles, and regulate body temperature.
Iron is a mineral that functions primarily as a carrier of oxygen in the body, both as a part of hemoglobin in the blood and myoglobin in the muscles.
Zinc is a mineral that plays a role in the formation of protein. It also assists in wound healing, blood formation, and general growth and maintenance of all tissues; and is involved in most metabolic processes.
Selenium is a mineral that plays a role in cellular metabolism. It acts as an antioxidant to protect the cell membrane from oxidative damage and helps regulate the thyroid hormone.
Potassium is a mineral that helps in muscle contraction and in maintaining fluid balance in cells. It‘s also important in sending nerve impulses and releasing energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates during metabolism. Potassium may also help to decrease the risk of kidney stones and bone loss.
Sodium is a mineral that plays an essential role in regulating fluids and blood pressure. Sodium helps the body to retain water. (Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, 2010).

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How to eat to Lose Weight, Raise Energy Levels, Decrease Risk for many disease including heart disease and Improve Quality of life

Don’t eat to lose weight, eat to be healthy and weight loss will happen at a healthy and moderate to fast rate.
This plan may seem complicated at a glance; it may seem like a lot to remember at first. I found that after about a week or two it becomes second nature and you just easily recall what you should eat next and when. After a little practice you will find that you’re not spending so much time measuring and reading labels.
The relationship between BMI and disease is simple. There is a range of “normal weight” where people live the longest and have the lowest susceptibility to disease. The farther the BMI above normal range the higher risk for diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and certain cancers. Individuals with a BMI below normal range are also at increased risk for disease. These people tend to have decreased immune ability (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). If you feel you are under weight, you should consult a physician.
Nutrition Plan
If you’re looking to lose weight or decrease your risk disease you should start by removing daily intake of refined carbohydrates. These foods include, but are not limited to, cookies, cakes, candies, biscuits and doughnuts. Next, avoid pan frying anything. Healthier alternatives include steaming, boiling, baking, broiling and grilling.
A healthy diet plan that would help most people lose weight and be healther would include 3 small to medium meals a day, 2 to 3 fairly large snacks and a dessert that is to be eaten before 8pm. It would include at least 2 cups of fruit where a cup equals approximately 2 servings; 3 or more cups of vegetables where a cup equals approximately 2 servings; about 3 servings of milk products; 3 to 4 ounces of grains; about 6 to 8 ounces of lean meat or beans; sometimes certain oils; and a lot of water. Other beverages would include caffeine free tea with low calorie sweetener, fruit juice that can replace a portion of fruit, and coffee with low calorie sweetener and fat free milk if desired which will account for a portion of the dairy for the day (, 2010).
Breakfast should consist of either 2 eggs or 3 egg whites or a cup of granola cereal, 1 and ¼ cup of puffed Kashi™ cereal or the like; and a piece of fruit such as an apple or orange. To drink, breakfast will include caffeine free green tea or caffeine free coffee with low calorie sweetener if desired. It should also include one 6 to 8 ounce glass of low sodium tomato juice.
About 2 and a half hours after breakfast a snack should be scheduled that may consist of a piece of low fat piece of cheese; a 6 ounce non fat yogurt; or 2 to 3 slices of cold cut turkey breast and a piece of fruit. In other words, one serving of dairy and a fruit or one serving of protein and a fruit should be the first snack.
Lunch should include a salad with a variety of vegetables and sliced chicken breast. Or a whole wheat tortilla wrap with low fat and low sodium cold cuts (about 3 or 4 slices depending on size and thickness) and lettuce, spinach thinly sliced carrots, onions, cabbage or any vegetable that sounds appetizing to the patient. Either the salad or the wrap can have a maximum of 3 tablespoons of dressing for taste. Preferably low fat, oil based dressings. Even fat free salad dressing may contain a lot of sodium; hence it is important to use caution when pouring. Lunch should include one or two glasses of water and any other desired beverage in fat free or low calorie form such as low calorie Gatorade or Coke Zero.  
About 2 and a half hour after lunch a snack will be planned. This snack should include either a half a cup of cottage cheese, a handful of cherry tomatoes, gluten free rice crackers, baby carrots, a low fat protein bar or something similar to these items and the choice should depend on what was eaten earlier in the day. For example, if breakfast included tomato juice and an apple and the first snack included a plum, then this snack should include baby carrots; gluten free, rice crackers, whole wheat crackers or something similar, but it should not include a piece of fruit. If breakfast included milk and the first snack included a yogurt, then this snack should not include any dairy. This snack should also include a 6 to 8 ounce glass of water.
Everybody’s day is a little different. Some people eat dinner around 5pm, others are just getting off of work at 5pm and don’t eat dinner until 6:30 or 7pm. If dinner is after 6pm then I suggest putting another snack into the schedule. This should be considered when preparing dinner, or course. This snack should consist of either a serving of fruit (about one small apple), or a serving of veggies (about 10 baby carrots) and at least one 8 ounce glass of water. A one ounce block of fat free cheese may be all that is needed to get by until dinner.
Dinner should include 2 to 4 servings of vegetables or about 1 to 2 cups. I recommend providing two different vegetables or vegetable dishes so that it doesn’t seem redundant and to provide a variety of nutrients. For example, asparagus can be one half of the vegetable portion and a mix of steamed zucchini and squash can be the second portion. Dinner should also include 2 to 4 ounces of grains (for women, 1 to 3) depending on the amount of grains consumed earlier in the day. Healthy grains that go good in a variety of dinner recipes include bulgur wheat, couscous, wild rice, whole grain brown rice and quinoa. For example, if breakfast included my recommended amount of cereal and lunch included an 8 inch tortilla (which is equivalent to about 1.5 ounces of grain), then dinner should include about once more ounce equivalent of grain such as 5 whole wheat crackers or half a cup of prepared bulgur wheat. If no grains were eaten earlier in the day, then dinner should contain 1 cup of grains such as a long grain-wild rice mixture. Finally, dinner should include a lean source of protein such as chicken breast, fish or tofu. The portion should be about 5 to 8 ounces depending on how much protein was consumed earlier in the day (, 2010). (Jegtvig, 2008).
Certain items can be eaten in any amount such as spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and other green vegetables. Coming up with different way to eat the recommended servings will help to avoid loss of interest. If dinner contain half a cup of bulgur wheat or couscous mixing it with peas and carrots might make it all more desirable. Adopting healthy eating habits such as these will greatly decrease the risk of certain disease. Exercise is also a part of a healthy lifestyle and it also contributes to decreased risk for disease.

Author: Andrea Antczak, RN Student

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Jegtvig, S. (2008, July 24). What is a serving of fruits or vegetables? Retrieved Dec. 4, 2010,         from (2010). Home. Retrieved Dec. 4, 2010, from   
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Assessing Your Weight and Health         Risk. Retrieved Dec. 2, 2010, from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:   

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Breast Milk or Formula
What is Best for Baby?

By Christina Osgood, RN Student

Breast milk is the purest, most nutritional provisions a baby can be feed. Breast milk is produced specifically for your baby, it is a combination of over 100 vitamins, and minerals your baby will need to help him grow (Breastmilk, 2010). A women’s body will dictate what nutrients are needed depending on the length of time a mother supplies her baby with breastmilk. Colostrum, is a substance that is produce just before a mother gives birth and is supplied with antibodies that are designed to help support the new baby’s immune system by fighting disease (Colostrum, 2010). This is vital to your baby’s current and latent health. Breastfeed babies have shown fewer signs of colic, asthma, ear infections, and a multitude of diseases than formula feed babies (Breastmilk, 2010). In addition to great heath, breastfeed babies benefit from the special contact with the mother and learn safeness and security that comes with breastfeeding.
 Other advantages to breastfeeding are it can save the family money. On average, breastfeeding mothers save $2,000 from not having to purchase formula in the first year of their baby’s life (Breastmilk, 2010). However, breastfeeding requires the mother to pump if she is going to get help feeding her child and breast pumps can be very expensive. The mother never has to worry about mixing formula because her milk is always with her and always ready. Breastfeeding can also help maintain a healthy weight for the postpartum mom and can help her body return to its pre-baby state quicker and easier than that of a non-breastfeeding mother (Breastmilk, 2010).
However, in order to produce an adequate amount of milk to supply the baby with all of his nutritional needs, the mother will need to adhere to a healthy diet. It is vital that she take in a large amount of calories everyday to ensure she can supply not only herself, but also her baby’s caloric needs. Side effects of breastfeeding include sore or cracked nipples, engorgements, blocked duct, lack of production of milk, and leakage (Breastmilk, 2010). It is also important that the mother abstain from smoking, drinking, and using harmful drugs or medication that can be passed from mother to baby through breastmilk. Other challenges can include nipple confusion or latching difficulties by baby.
The La Leche league would not recommend bottling feeding but not all mothers are able to breastfeed. Formula is now made with a mother’s natural breastmilk in mind. Formula is fortified with nutrients like those found in the mother’s milk and it is clinically enhanced with vitamins and nutrients to support the baby’s immune system and to promote brain and eye development (Similac, 2010). In addition, it is healthy and safe for baby to ingest. Formula is enhanced with DHA and ARA along with nucleotides, prebiotics, and carotenoids (Similac, 2010).
The formula foundation is making great strides in easing mother’s fears when it comes to feeding their baby formula. However, where would a mom be without the bottle manufactures? Bottles are also being redesigned to ensure baby gets a more natural experience when using bottles over the breast. Synthetic nipples are being mimicked after a natural breast/nipple to aid in a more comfortable and natural feeding processing. Bottles are also designed to relieve gas build up in baby’s system through innovative technology. Dr. Brown’s bottles are vented through a two-piece system. These bottles created a vacuum free feeding system that allows the air to bypass the liquid in the bottle by pushing it to the back or end of the bottle (Dr. Brown’s, 2010). This allows the formula to be air bubble free and baby to eat in comfort. I personally used these bottles with both of my children and they really do work great!
Regardless of breast or bottles, baby’s health and nutrition is the main focus. Breastmilk is best for supplying natural antibodies to protect and build baby’s immune system. However, formula has been redesigned to mimic these vitamins and minerals supplying baby with great support for a healthy future.

Breastmilk. (2010). Retrieved from
Colostrum. (2010). Retrieved from
Dr. Brown’s baby bottles. (2010).
Similac. (2010). Retrieved from

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Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria...Wait, What?


Antibiotic resistant bacteria (and other germs) are those that have evolved to resist the effects of antibiotics. This is considered one of the world’s most pressing public health problems. Almost every type of pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria has become more resistant to antibiotics to some degree. This is due largely to antibiotic abuse. Before antibiotics the bacterial infection Streptococcus pyogenes was responsible for more than 50% of post-birth deaths in infants. The bacterial infection Staphylococcus aureus killed 80% of people who had infected wounds. (Australian Broadcasting Corporation , 1999). These are bugs that are still common in our everyday lives. People were dropping like flies from fairly common diseases back in those days (before antibiotics) such as bacterial pneumonia (40% of those infected died back then compared to now about 5 to 10% of cases are fatal). (Frame, 2003). If we don’t get a grip on this problem, it will be like that again.

Antimicrobial hand soaps and sanitizers are like antibiotics for the skin. And just like antibiotics, overuse of them are helping to produce antibiotic resistant bacteria. The health care community is trying to raise awareness, because this abuse of antibiotics is creating super bugs on a daily basis and in a decade or two we won't have medication that save us from common sicknesses. Before antibiotics, people who got sick just died half the time. And that's what going to happen again. Our babies and Grandbabies are in great danger. Spread the word!


1.Stop pressuring the doctor for antibiotics! Discuss other relief options to see if they may be beneficial to you instead. It is hard to not pressure a physician for antibiotics when we live in such a fast paced world. Who has the time to be sick? We need to think about the consequences and do it for our future and our kid’s future. This is a problem that will be affecting us in our lifetime, it’s happening rapidly.

Before I was aware of the antibiotic abuse problem in this country, I ran to my son's pediatrician for every little sniffle that he had and practically begged for an antibiotic. As a new mom I couldn't bear the thought of my little precious feeling any kind of discomfort. Now I know that I’m doing him a disservice by hindering his little immune system from developing and aiding in the breeding of antibiotic resistant bacteria. This should not stop us from taking out children to the doctor when they get sick. Parents should ask the doctor about the severity of the illness and if he/she recommends and antibiotic or not. Ask about measures that can be taken to help make the child comfortable while he/she fights off the illness without antibiotics if that’s what the doctor recommends.  

2. FINISH YOUR ANTIBIOTIC PRESCRIPTION AS PRESCRIBED! Many physicians and health care professionals’ nowa’days explain to their patients the importance of taking antibiotics as prescribed and finishing them. But some still don’t. I was never informed of this issue until about 4 years ago and then again in school. It is important that you don’t stop taking your antibiotic(s) as soon as you start feeling better. Chances are there are still bacteria remaining that will be killed off with the remainder of your medication. If medication is stopped as soon as symptoms go away the remaining bacteria will not only survive, they will grow resistance to the antibiotic.

3. Spread the knowledge! We need to take it upon ourselves to educate our friends and families on this issue and tell them to spread the word.

4. Protect yourselves! Practicing good hygiene and habits such as washing your hands after going to the store or going to a restaurant etc, will help to prevent the spread of disease; Thus minimizing the chances of needing a medication in the first place.

5. Don’t save antibiotics! Antibiotics should not be saved and taken the next time you’re sick. I know people who’ve done this (including me before I knew better). If you have a viral infection, such as a cold or flu, the antibiotic won’t even work; but you will still be allowing the bacteria in your body to grow resistance to the antibiotic if you take it.

6. Never take someone else’s antibiotics! Even if you both have a bacterial infection, their antibiotic may not be appropriate for ailment.

(Antibiotic Resistance Questions & Answers, 2009).


Antibiotic Resistance Questions & Answers. (2009, June 30). Retrieved Dec. 2, 2010, from
Australian Broadcasting Corporation . (1999). Antibiotics 1928-2000. Retrieved Dec. 2, 2010, from
Frame, M. P. (2003, April 8). Infectious Diseases- Before Antibiotics? Retrieved Dec. 2, 2010, from

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